Source code for cocotb.regression

# Copyright (c) 2013, 2018 Potential Ventures Ltd
# Copyright (c) 2013 SolarFlare Communications Inc
# All rights reserved.
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"""All things relating to regression capabilities."""

import functools
import hashlib
import inspect
import logging
import os
import pdb
import random
import re
import time
import warnings
from enum import auto
from importlib import import_module
from itertools import product
from typing import (

import cocotb
from cocotb import _ANSI, simulator
from cocotb._outcomes import Error, Outcome
from cocotb._xunit_reporter import XUnitReporter
from cocotb.result import SimFailure, TestSuccess
from cocotb.task import Task, _RunningTest
from cocotb.utils import (

_pdb_on_exception = "COCOTB_PDB_ON_EXCEPTION" in os.environ

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_Failed: Type[BaseException]
    import pytest
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    _Failed = AssertionError
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
    except BaseException as _raises_e:
        _Failed = type(_raises_e)
        assert False, "pytest.raises doesn't raise an exception when it fails"

[docs] class Test: """A cocotb test in a regression. Args: func: The test function object. name: The name of the test function. Defaults to ``func.__qualname__`` (the dotted path to the test function in the module). module: The name of the module containing the test function. Defaults to ``func.__module__`` (the name of the module containing the test function). doc: The docstring for the test. Defaults to ``func.__doc__`` (the docstring of the test function). timeout_time: Simulation time duration before the test is forced to fail with a :exc:`~cocotb.result. SimTimeoutError`. timeout_unit: Units of ``timeout_time``, accepts any units that :class:`~cocotb.triggers.Timer` does. expect_fail: If ``True`` and the test fails a functional check via an ``assert`` statement, :pytest:class:`pytest.raises`, :pytest:class:`pytest.warns`, or :pytest:class:`pytest.deprecated_call`, the test is considered to have passed. If ``True`` and the test passes successfully, the test is considered to have failed. expect_error: Mark the result as a pass only if one of the given exception types is raised in the test. skip: Don't execute this test as part of the regression. The test can still be run manually by setting :envvar:`TESTCASE`. stage: Order tests logically into stages. Tests from earlier stages are run before tests from later stages. """ def __init__( self, *, func: Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, None]], name: Optional[str] = None, module: Optional[str] = None, doc: Optional[str] = None, timeout_time: Optional[float] = None, timeout_unit: str = "step", expect_fail: bool = False, expect_error: Union[Type[Exception], Sequence[Type[Exception]]] = (), skip: bool = False, stage: int = 0, ) -> None: if timeout_time is not None: co = func # must save ref because we overwrite variable "func" @functools.wraps(func) async def func(*args, **kwargs): running_co = Task(co(*args, **kwargs)) try: res = await cocotb.triggers.with_timeout( running_co, self.timeout_time, self.timeout_unit ) except cocotb.result.SimTimeoutError: running_co.kill() raise else: return res self.func = func self.timeout_time = timeout_time self.timeout_unit = timeout_unit self.expect_fail = expect_fail self.expect_error = expect_error self.skip = skip self.stage = stage = self.func.__qualname__ if name is None else name self.module = self.func.__module__ if module is None else module self.doc = self.func.__doc__ if doc is None else doc if self.doc is not None: # cleanup docstring using `trim` function from PEP257 self.doc = inspect.cleandoc(self.doc) self.fullname = f"{self.module}.{}"
def _format_doc(docstring: Union[str, None]) -> str: if docstring is None: return "" else: brief = docstring.split("\n")[0] return f"\n {brief}"
[docs] class RegressionMode(DocEnum): """The mode of the :class:`RegressionManager`.""" REGRESSION = ( auto(), """Tests are run if included. Skipped tests are skipped, expected failures and errors are respected.""", ) TESTCASE = ( auto(), """Like :attr:`REGRESSION`, but skipped tests are *not* skipped if included.""", )
[docs] class RegressionManager: """Object which manages tests. This object uses the builder pattern to build up a regression. Tests are added using :meth:`register_test` or :meth:`discover_tests`. Inclusion filters for tests can be added using :meth:`add_filters`. The "mode" of the regression can be controlled using :meth:`set_mode`. These methods can be called in any order any number of times before :meth:`start_regression` is called, and should not be called again after that. Once all the tests, filters, and regression behavior configuration is done, the user starts the regression with :meth:`start_regression`. This method must be called exactly once. Until the regression is started, :attr:`total_tests`, :attr:`count`, :attr:`passed`, :attr:`skipped`, and :attr:`failures` hold placeholder values. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self._test: Test self._test_task: Task[None] self._test_start_time: float self._test_start_sim_time: float self.log = _logger self._regression_start_time: float self._test_results: List[Dict[str, Any]] = [] self.total_tests = 0 """Total number of tests that will be run or skipped.""" self.count = 0 """The current test count.""" self.passed = 0 """The current number of passed tests.""" self.skipped = 0 """The current number of skipped tests.""" self.failures = 0 """The current number of failed tests.""" self._tearing_down = False self._test_queue: List[Test] = [] self._filters: List[re.Pattern[str]] = [] self._mode = RegressionMode.REGRESSION self._included: List[bool] # Setup XUnit ################### results_filename = os.getenv("COCOTB_RESULTS_FILE", "results.xml") suite_name = os.getenv("RESULT_TESTSUITE", "all") package_name = os.getenv("RESULT_TESTPACKAGE", "all") self.xunit = XUnitReporter(filename=results_filename) self.xunit.add_testsuite(name=suite_name, package=package_name) self.xunit.add_property(name="random_seed", value=str(cocotb._random_seed))
[docs] def discover_tests(self, *modules: str) -> None: """Discover tests in files automatically. Should be called before :meth:`start_regression` is called. Args: modules: Each argument given is the name of a module where tests are found. Raises: RuntimeError: If no tests are found in any of the provided modules. """ for module_name in modules: mod = import_module(module_name) if not hasattr(mod, "__cocotb_tests__"): raise RuntimeError( f"No tests were discovered in module: {module_name!r}" ) for test in mod.__cocotb_tests__: self.register_test(test) # error if no tests were discovered if not self._test_queue: modules_str = ", ".join(repr(m) for m in modules) raise RuntimeError(f"No tests were discovered in any module: {modules_str}")
[docs] def add_filters(self, *filters: str) -> None: """Add regular expressions to filter-in registered tests. Only those tests which match at least one of the given filters are included; the rest are excluded. Should be called before :meth:`start_regression` is called. Args: filters: Each argument given is a regex pattern for test names. A match *includes* the test. """ for filter in filters: compiled_filter = re.compile(filter) self._filters.append(compiled_filter)
[docs] def set_mode(self, mode: RegressionMode) -> None: """Set the regression mode. See :class:`RegressionMode` for more details on how each mode affects :class:`RegressionManager` behavior. Should be called before :meth:`start_regression` is called. Args: mode: The regression mode to set. """ self._mode = mode
[docs] def register_test(self, test: Test) -> None: """Register a test with the :class:`RegressionManager`. Should be called before :meth:`start_regression` is called. Args: test: The test object to register. """ self.log.debug("Registered test %r", test.fullname) self._test_queue.append(test)
[docs] @classmethod def setup_pytest_assertion_rewriting(cls) -> None: """Configure pytest to rewrite assertions for better failure messages. Must be called before all modules containing tests are imported. """ try: import pytest except ImportError: "pytest not found, install it to enable better AssertionError messages" ) return try: # Install the assertion rewriting hook, which must be done before we # import the test modules. from _pytest.assertion import install_importhook from _pytest.config import Config pytest_conf = Config.fromdictargs( {}, ["--capture=no", "-o", "python_files=*.py"] ) install_importhook(pytest_conf) except Exception: _logger.exception( f"Configuring the assertion rewrite hook using pytest {pytest.__version__} failed. " "Please file a bug report!" )
[docs] def start_regression(self) -> None: """Start the regression.""" # sort tests into stages self._test_queue.sort(key=lambda test: test.stage) # mark tests for running if self._filters: self._included = [False] * len(self._test_queue) for i, test in enumerate(self._test_queue): for filter in self._filters: if self._included[i] = True else: self._included = [True] * len(self._test_queue) # compute counts self.count = 1 self.total_tests = sum(self._included) if self.total_tests == 0: self.log.warning( "No tests left after filtering with: %s", ", ".join(f.pattern for f in self._filters), ) # start test loop self._regression_start_time = time.time() self._execute()
def _execute(self, *, sim_failed: bool = False) -> None: """Used by both :meth:`start_regression` and :meth:`_test_complete` to continue the main test running loop. If *sim_failed* is ``True``, when a test would otherwise be run (respecting inclusion, skip, etc.), it is instead immediately marked as having failed with :class:`~cocotb.result.SimFailure` without running the test. Args: sim_failed: If ``True``, mark the remaining tests as failed rather than running them. """ while self._test_queue: self._test = self._test_queue.pop(0) included = self._included.pop(0) # if the test is not included, record and continue if not included: self._record_test_excluded(self._test) continue # if the test is skipped, record and continue if self._test.skip and self._mode != RegressionMode.TESTCASE: self._record_test_skipped(self._test) continue # initialize the test, if it fails, record and continue try: self._test_task = _RunningTest( self._test.func(, ) except Exception: self._record_test_init_failed(self._test) continue self._log_test_start(self._test) # seed random number generator based on test module, name, and RANDOM_SEED hasher = hashlib.sha1() hasher.update(self._test.fullname.encode()) seed = cocotb._random_seed + int(hasher.hexdigest(), 16) random.seed(seed) # start test or immediately fail test if sim_failed: self._record_result( test=self._test, outcome=Error(SimFailure), wall_time_s=0, sim_time_ns=0, ) else: self._test_start_sim_time = get_sim_time("ns") self._test_start_time = time.time() return cocotb._scheduler._add_test(self._test_task) return self._tear_down() def _tear_down(self) -> None: """Called by :meth:`_execute` when there are no more tests to run to finalize the regression.""" # prevent re-entering the tear down procedure if not self._tearing_down: self._tearing_down = True else: return assert not self._test_queue # Write out final log messages self._log_test_summary() # Generate output reports self.xunit.write() # Setup simulator finalization simulator.stop_simulator() cocotb._stop_user_coverage() cocotb._stop_library_coverage() def _test_complete(self) -> None: """Callback given to the scheduler, to be called when the current test completes. Due to the way that simulation failure is handled, this function must be able to detect simulation failure and finalize the regression. """ # compute test completion time wall_time_s = time.time() - self._test_start_time sim_time_ns = get_sim_time("ns") - self._test_start_sim_time sim_failed = self._record_result( test=self._test, outcome=self._test_task._outcome, wall_time_s=wall_time_s, sim_time_ns=sim_time_ns, ) # continue test loop, assuming sim failure or not return self._execute(sim_failed=sim_failed) def _score_test(self, test: Test, outcome: Outcome) -> Tuple[bool, bool]: """Given a test and the test's outcome, determine if the test met expectations and log pertinent information. Returns: (test passed, simulation failed) tuple of booleans. """ # scoring outcomes result_pass = True sim_failed = False try: outcome.get() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except BaseException as e: result = remove_traceback_frames(e, ["_score_test", "get"]) else: result = TestSuccess() if ( isinstance(result, TestSuccess) and not test.expect_fail and not test.expect_error ): self._log_test_passed(test, None, None) elif isinstance(result, TestSuccess) and test.expect_error: self._log_test_failed(test, None, "passed but we expected an error") result_pass = False elif isinstance(result, TestSuccess): self._log_test_failed(test, None, "passed but we expected a failure") result_pass = False elif isinstance(result, SimFailure): if isinstance(result, test.expect_error): self._log_test_passed(test, result, "errored as expected") else: self.log.error("Test error has lead to simulator shutting us down") result_pass = False # whether we expected it or not, the simulation has failed unrecoverably sim_failed = True elif isinstance(result, (AssertionError, _Failed)) and test.expect_fail: self._log_test_passed(test, result, "failed as expected") elif test.expect_error: if isinstance(result, test.expect_error): self._log_test_passed(test, result, "errored as expected") else: self._log_test_failed(test, result, "errored with unexpected type ") result_pass = False else: self._log_test_failed(test, result, None) result_pass = False if _pdb_on_exception: pdb.post_mortem(result.__traceback__) return result_pass, sim_failed def _get_lineno(self, test: Test) -> None: try: return inspect.getsourcelines(test.func)[1] except OSError: return 1 def _log_test_start(self, test: Test) -> None: """Called by :meth:`_execute` to log that a test is starting.""" hilight_start = _ANSI.COLOR_TEST if want_color_output() else "" hilight_end = _ANSI.COLOR_DEFAULT if want_color_output() else "" "%srunning%s %s (%d/%d)%s", hilight_start, hilight_end, test.fullname, self.count, self.total_tests, _format_doc(test.doc), ) def _log_test_passed( self, test: Test, result: Optional[Exception] = None, msg: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """Called by :meth:`_score_test` to log that the test passed with the given information.""" start_hilight = _ANSI.COLOR_PASSED if want_color_output() else "" stop_hilight = _ANSI.COLOR_DEFAULT if want_color_output() else "" if msg is None: rest = "" else: rest = f": {msg}" if result is None: result_was = "" else: result_was = f" (result was {type(result).__qualname__})" "%s %spassed%s%s%s", test.fullname, start_hilight, stop_hilight, rest, result_was, ) def _log_test_failed( self, test: Test, result: Optional[Exception] = None, msg: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """Called by :meth:`_score_test` to log that the test failed with the given information.""" start_hilight = _ANSI.COLOR_FAILED if want_color_output() else "" stop_hilight = _ANSI.COLOR_DEFAULT if want_color_output() else "" if msg is None: rest = "" else: rest = f": {msg}" "%s %sfailed%s%s", test.fullname, start_hilight, stop_hilight, rest, exc_info=result, ) def _record_test_excluded(self, test: Test) -> None: """Called by :meth:`_execute` when a test is excluded by filters.""" # write out xunit results lineno = self._get_lineno(test) self.xunit.add_testcase(, classname=test.module, file=inspect.getfile(test.func), lineno=repr(lineno), time=repr(0), sim_time_ns=repr(0), ratio_time=repr(0), ) self.xunit.add_skipped() # do not log anything, nor save details for the summary def _record_test_skipped(self, test: Test) -> None: """Called by :meth:`_execute` when a test is skipped.""" # log test results hilight_start = _ANSI.COLOR_SKIPPED if want_color_output() else "" hilight_end = _ANSI.COLOR_DEFAULT if want_color_output() else "" "%sskipping%s %s (%d/%d)%s", hilight_start, hilight_end, test.fullname, self.count, self.total_tests, _format_doc(test.doc), ) # write out xunit results lineno = self._get_lineno(test) self.xunit.add_testcase(, classname=test.module, file=inspect.getfile(test.func), lineno=repr(lineno), time=repr(0), sim_time_ns=repr(0), ratio_time=repr(0), ) self.xunit.add_skipped() # save details for summary self._test_results.append( { "test": test.fullname, "pass": None, "sim": 0, "real": 0, } ) # update running passed/failed/skipped counts self.skipped += 1 self.count += 1 def _record_test_init_failed(self, test: Test) -> None: """Called by :meth:`_execute` when a test initialization fails.""" # log test results hilight_start = _ANSI.COLOR_FAILED if want_color_output() else "" hilight_end = _ANSI.COLOR_DEFAULT if want_color_output() else "" self.log.exception( "%sFailed to initialize%s %s! (%d/%d)%s", hilight_start, hilight_end, test.fullname, self.count, self.total_tests, _format_doc(test.doc), ) # write out xunit results lineno = self._get_lineno(test) self.xunit.add_testcase(, classname=test.module, file=inspect.getfile(test.func), lineno=repr(lineno), time=repr(0), sim_time_ns=repr(0), ratio_time=repr(0), ) self.xunit.add_failure(msg="Test initialization failed") # save details for summary self._test_results.append( { "test": test.fullname, "pass": False, "sim": 0, "real": 0, } ) # update running passed/failed/skipped counts self.failures += 1 self.count += 1 def _record_result( self, test: Test, outcome: Outcome, wall_time_s: float, sim_time_ns: float, ) -> bool: """Called by :meth:`_test_complete` to score and record the result of a finished test. Because of how simulation failure is handled, this function must detect and return whether the simulation failed. Returns: Whether the simulation has failed. """ # determines pass/fail, but also logs test results with good messages test_pass, sim_failed = self._score_test(test, outcome) # write out xunit results ratio_time = self._safe_divide(sim_time_ns, wall_time_s) lineno = self._get_lineno(test) self.xunit.add_testcase(, classname=test.module, file=inspect.getfile(test.func), lineno=repr(lineno), time=repr(wall_time_s), sim_time_ns=repr(sim_time_ns), ratio_time=repr(ratio_time), ) if not test_pass: self.xunit.add_failure( message=f"Test failed with RANDOM_SEED={cocotb._random_seed}" ) # update running passed/failed/skipped counts if test_pass: self.passed += 1 else: self.failures += 1 self.count += 1 # save details for summary self._test_results.append( { "test": test.fullname, "pass": test_pass, "sim": sim_time_ns, "real": wall_time_s, "ratio": ratio_time, } ) return sim_failed def _log_test_summary(self) -> None: """Called by :meth:`_tear_down` to log the test summary.""" real_time = time.time() - self._regression_start_time sim_time_ns = get_sim_time("ns") ratio_time = self._safe_divide(sim_time_ns, real_time) if len(self._test_results) == 0: return TEST_FIELD = "TEST" RESULT_FIELD = "STATUS" SIM_FIELD = "SIM TIME (ns)" REAL_FIELD = "REAL TIME (s)" RATIO_FIELD = "RATIO (ns/s)" TOTAL_NAME = f"TESTS={self.total_tests} PASS={self.passed} FAIL={self.failures} SKIP={self.skipped}" TEST_FIELD_LEN = max( len(TEST_FIELD), len(TOTAL_NAME), len(max([x["test"] for x in self._test_results], key=len)), ) RESULT_FIELD_LEN = len(RESULT_FIELD) SIM_FIELD_LEN = len(SIM_FIELD) REAL_FIELD_LEN = len(REAL_FIELD) RATIO_FIELD_LEN = len(RATIO_FIELD) header_dict = dict( a=TEST_FIELD, b=RESULT_FIELD, c=SIM_FIELD, d=REAL_FIELD, e=RATIO_FIELD, a_len=TEST_FIELD_LEN, b_len=RESULT_FIELD_LEN, c_len=SIM_FIELD_LEN, d_len=REAL_FIELD_LEN, e_len=RATIO_FIELD_LEN, ) LINE_LEN = ( 3 + TEST_FIELD_LEN + 2 + RESULT_FIELD_LEN + 2 + SIM_FIELD_LEN + 2 + REAL_FIELD_LEN + 2 + RATIO_FIELD_LEN + 3 ) LINE_SEP = "*" * LINE_LEN + "\n" summary = "" summary += LINE_SEP summary += "** {a:<{a_len}} {b:^{b_len}} {c:>{c_len}} {d:>{d_len}} {e:>{e_len}} **\n".format( **header_dict ) summary += LINE_SEP test_line = "** {a:<{a_len}} {start}{b:^{b_len}}{end} {c:>{c_len}.2f} {d:>{d_len}.2f} {e:>{e_len}} **\n" for result in self._test_results: hilite = "" lolite = "" if result["pass"] is None: ratio = "-.--" pass_fail_str = "SKIP" if want_color_output(): hilite = _ANSI.COLOR_SKIPPED lolite = _ANSI.COLOR_DEFAULT elif result["pass"]: ratio = format(result["ratio"], "0.2f") pass_fail_str = "PASS" if want_color_output(): hilite = _ANSI.COLOR_PASSED lolite = _ANSI.COLOR_DEFAULT else: ratio = format(result["ratio"], "0.2f") pass_fail_str = "FAIL" if want_color_output(): hilite = _ANSI.COLOR_FAILED lolite = _ANSI.COLOR_DEFAULT test_dict = dict( a=result["test"], b=pass_fail_str, c=result["sim"], d=result["real"], e=ratio, a_len=TEST_FIELD_LEN, b_len=RESULT_FIELD_LEN, c_len=SIM_FIELD_LEN - 1, d_len=REAL_FIELD_LEN - 1, e_len=RATIO_FIELD_LEN - 1, start=hilite, end=lolite, ) summary += test_line.format(**test_dict) summary += LINE_SEP summary += test_line.format( a=TOTAL_NAME, b="", c=sim_time_ns, d=real_time, e=format(ratio_time, "0.2f"), a_len=TEST_FIELD_LEN, b_len=RESULT_FIELD_LEN, c_len=SIM_FIELD_LEN - 1, d_len=REAL_FIELD_LEN - 1, e_len=RATIO_FIELD_LEN - 1, start="", end="", ) summary += LINE_SEP @staticmethod def _safe_divide(a: float, b: float) -> float: """Used when computing time ratios to ensure no exception is raised if either time is 0.""" try: return a / b except ZeroDivisionError: if a == 0: return float("nan") else: return float("inf")
F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable[..., Coroutine[Any, Any, None]])
[docs] class TestFactory(Generic[F]): """Factory to automatically generate tests. Args: test_function: A Callable that returns the test Coroutine. Must take *dut* as the first argument. *args: Remaining arguments are passed directly to the test function. Note that these arguments are not varied. An argument that varies with each test must be a keyword argument to the test function. **kwargs: Remaining keyword arguments are passed directly to the test function. Note that these arguments are not varied. An argument that varies with each test must be a keyword argument to the test function. Assuming we have a common test function that will run a test. This test function will take keyword arguments (for example generators for each of the input interfaces) and generate tests that call the supplied function. This Factory allows us to generate sets of tests based on the different permutations of the possible arguments to the test function. For example, if we have a module that takes backpressure, has two configurable features where enabling ``feature_b`` requires ``feature_a`` to be active, and need to test against data generation routines ``gen_a`` and ``gen_b``: >>> tf = TestFactory(test_function=run_test) >>> tf.add_option(name="data_in", optionlist=[gen_a, gen_b]) >>> tf.add_option("backpressure", [None, random_backpressure]) >>> tf.add_option( ... ("feature_a", "feature_b"), [(False, False), (True, False), (True, True)] ... ) >>> tf.generate_tests() We would get the following tests: * ``gen_a`` with no backpressure and both features disabled * ``gen_a`` with no backpressure and only ``feature_a`` enabled * ``gen_a`` with no backpressure and both features enabled * ``gen_a`` with ``random_backpressure`` and both features disabled * ``gen_a`` with ``random_backpressure`` and only ``feature_a`` enabled * ``gen_a`` with ``random_backpressure`` and both features enabled * ``gen_b`` with no backpressure and both features disabled * ``gen_b`` with no backpressure and only ``feature_a`` enabled * ``gen_b`` with no backpressure and both features enabled * ``gen_b`` with ``random_backpressure`` and both features disabled * ``gen_b`` with ``random_backpressure`` and only ``feature_a`` enabled * ``gen_b`` with ``random_backpressure`` and both features enabled The tests are appended to the calling module for auto-discovery. Tests are simply named ``test_function_N``. The docstring for the test (hence the test description) includes the name and description of each generator. .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Groups of options are now supported .. versionchanged:: 2.0 You can now pass :func:`cocotb.test` decorator arguments when generating tests. .. deprecated:: 2.0 Use :func:`cocotb.parameterize` instead. """ def __init__(self, test_function: F, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: warnings.warn( "TestFactory is deprecated, use `@cocotb.parameterize` instead", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.test_function = test_function self.args = args self.kwargs_constant = kwargs self.kwargs: Dict[ Union[str, Sequence[str]], Union[Sequence[Any], Sequence[Sequence[Any]]] ] = {} @overload def add_option(self, name: str, optionlist: Sequence[Any]) -> None: ... @overload def add_option( self, name: Sequence[str], optionlist: Sequence[Sequence[Any]] ) -> None: ...
[docs] def add_option( self, name: Union[str, Sequence[str]], optionlist: Union[Sequence[str], Sequence[Sequence[str]]], ) -> None: """Add a named option to the test. Args: name: An option name, or an iterable of several option names. Passed to test as keyword arguments. optionlist: A list of possible options for this test knob. If N names were specified, this must be a list of N-tuples or lists, where each element specifies a value for its respective option. .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Groups of options are now supported """ if not isinstance(name, str): for opt in optionlist: if len(name) != len(opt): raise ValueError( "Mismatch between number of options and number of option values in group" ) self.kwargs[name] = optionlist
[docs] def generate_tests( self, *, prefix: Optional[str] = None, postfix: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, timeout_time: Optional[float] = None, timeout_unit: str = "steps", expect_fail: bool = False, expect_error: Union[Type[Exception], Sequence[Type[Exception]]] = (), skip: bool = False, stage: int = 0, ): """ Generate an exhaustive set of tests using the cartesian product of the possible keyword arguments. The generated tests are appended to the namespace of the calling module. Args: prefix: Text string to append to start of ``test_function`` name when naming generated test cases. This allows reuse of a single ``test_function`` with multiple :class:`TestFactories <.TestFactory>` without name clashes. .. deprecated:: 2.0 Use the more flexible ``name`` field instead. postfix: Text string to append to end of ``test_function`` name when naming generated test cases. This allows reuse of a single ``test_function`` with multiple :class:`TestFactories <.TestFactory>` without name clashes. .. deprecated:: 2.0 Use the more flexible ``name`` field instead. name: Passed as ``name`` argument to :func:`cocotb.test`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 timeout_time: Passed as ``timeout_time`` argument to :func:`cocotb.test`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 timeout_unit: Passed as ``timeout_unit`` argument to :func:`cocotb.test`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 expect_fail: Passed as ``expect_fail`` argument to :func:`cocotb.test`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 expect_error: Passed as ``expect_error`` argument to :func:`cocotb.test`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 skip: Passed as ``skip`` argument to :func:`cocotb.test`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 stage: Passed as ``stage`` argument to :func:`cocotb.test`. .. versionadded:: 2.0 """ if prefix is not None: warnings.warn( "``prefix`` argument is deprecated. Use the more flexible ``name`` field instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) else: prefix = "" if postfix is not None: warnings.warn( "``postfix`` argument is deprecated. Use the more flexible ``name`` field instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) else: postfix = "" glbs = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_globals if "__cocotb_tests__" not in glbs: glbs["__cocotb_tests__"] = [] test_func_name = self.test_function.__qualname__ if name is None else name for index, testoptions in enumerate( dict(zip(self.kwargs, v)) for v in product(*self.kwargs.values()) ): name = "%s%s%s_%03d" % ( prefix, test_func_name, postfix, index + 1, ) doc: str = "Automatically generated test\n\n" # preprocess testoptions to split tuples testoptions_split: Dict[str, Sequence[Any]] = {} for optname, optvalue in testoptions.items(): if isinstance(optname, str): optvalue = cast(Sequence[Any], optvalue) testoptions_split[optname] = optvalue else: # previously checked in add_option; ensure nothing has changed optvalue = cast(Sequence[Sequence[Any]], optvalue) assert len(optname) == len(optvalue) for n, v in zip(optname, optvalue): testoptions_split[n] = v for optname, optvalue in testoptions_split.items(): if callable(optvalue): if not optvalue.__doc__: desc = "No docstring supplied" else: desc = optvalue.__doc__.split("\n")[0] doc += f"\t{optname}: {optvalue.__qualname__} ({desc})\n" else: doc += f"\t{optname}: {repr(optvalue)}\n" kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {} kwargs.update(self.kwargs_constant) kwargs.update(testoptions_split) @functools.wraps(self.test_function) async def _my_test(dut, kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = kwargs) -> None: await self.test_function(dut, *self.args, **kwargs) _my_test.__doc__ = doc _my_test.__name__ = name _my_test.__qualname__ = name if name in glbs: _logger.error( "Overwriting %s in module %s. " "This causes a previously defined testcase not to be run. " "Consider using the `name`, `prefix`, or `postfix` arguments to augment the name.", name, glbs["__name__"], ) test = Test( func=_my_test, name=name, module=glbs["__name__"], timeout_time=timeout_time, timeout_unit=timeout_unit, expect_fail=expect_fail, expect_error=expect_error, skip=skip, stage=stage, ) glbs["__cocotb_tests__"].append(test) glbs[] = test